澳门新普京注册 Resource for Online Support (Knowledge Base)

Self-Service Banner (course registration & more)




Tutor.com (online tutoring & writing center)


Student CoursEval


Turnitin (plagiarism prevention & assessment)


澳门新普京注册 Campus Writing Center


澳门新普京注册 Center for Academic Success


澳门新普京注册 Online Orientation

Direct Link to CourseDen

If you are experiencing latency / bandwitdh issues accessing CourseDen using a login portal (i.e. http://t1um.gabonmagazine.com), we recommend you try using the direct CourseDen link to log in. Also remember that eCore, eMajor, WebMBA, and EU courses log on to GoView).

Note: You will not have access to CourseDen until 24-48 hours after you actually register for classes via my澳门新普京注册. You will also not be able to enter any of your courses in CourseDen until the actual start date for the class.


How to Login

  1. Go to CourseDen.
  2. Click the 澳门新普京注册 OneLogin button.
  3. Use your 澳门新普京注册 ID & Password to log in.


Check Your Browser

Visit the USG Tools & Checkers page to see if your computer and browser are compatible with CourseDen. If any of the checks say No, you will want to fix them or contact 澳门新普京注册 Online for help.


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